
Showing posts from April, 2023


milling the hexagons on the vincent inspection caps

machining hexagons on inspection caps, gang milling on horizontal milling machine to see more videos click on link  Motorcycles and steam engines - YouTube  

vincent rocker bearings being slotted

slotting home made rocker bearings on bridgportmilling machine using slotting head they are made of he30 aluminum to see more videos click this link   Motorcycles and steam engines - YouTube

vincent home made flywheel assembly being balanced

  balancing home made vincent flywheel assembly i made enough flywheels to make 3 engines and still have the original which i copied you can view more videos at  Motorcycles and steam engines - YouTube

norvin norton frame with vincent engine

            have been building a norvin for ten years home made crank home ballanced had to make selector forks as well, to see more click here   Motorcycles and steam engines - YouTube

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